Monitor retailer opinions of services and programs compared to competitors.

Understand grower and retailer experiences, attitudes and perceptions of biologicals/biostimulants.

Evaluate the effectiveness of tactics and diagnose factors that limit growth of crop protection brands.

Understand farmers’ and retailers’ views on field data management software brands.

Learn about the financial needs of Canadian farmers and the performance of leading financial institutions.

Build a stronger brand strategy by using grower insights for all aspects of the seed marketing mix.

Hear what golf superintendents have to say about chemical manufacturers, distributors and leading fungicide brands.

  • Launching a new crop input technology

    The market for biological crop inputs is still young. There are few examples to follow when planning to introduce a new technology, especially for major crops. Our client wanted an indication of…

  • Determining the value of canola seed traits and pricing competitively

    Our client wanted a better way to set the right price for each canola seed hybrid, especially as the main herbicide traits became available from multiple seed brands. They needed to know the…

  • Grain Marketing in North America

    Successful grain marketing is a critical success factor for many farming operations.  Our client wanted to further their understanding of the grain marketing process for North American…

  • Benchmarking Beneficial Insects in Alberta

    Understanding of the role and value of beneficial insects as part of an integrated pest management plan is still a relatively underutilized agricultural practice in Western Canada.