Measuring Fertilizer Use and Adoption of 4R Practices in Canada

Client Objective

The agriculture industry promotes the environmentally responsible and sustainable use of nutrients through 4R Nutrient Stewardship. Our client wanted to measure fertilizer use practices used by farmers in all major Canadian field crops, then compare those practices against recommended nutrient timing, placement, source and rate practices under the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program. By tracking changes to these practices over time, a key objective was to assess the adoption of basic 4R practices by Canadian farmers.

Our Approach

  • The project started with the 2014 crop year and has been repeated each year since.
  • As major consumers of fertilizer, canola (west) and corn (east) were included every year while other crops were included more sporadically.
  • Typically, 1,000 to 1,300 farmers completed an online survey each year.
  • To control survey length, respondents provided information for two of their crops.
  • Questions were asked about the timing, source, placement and application rate practices for fertilizers applied.
  • In addition, we asked about the use of nitrogen stabilizers, micronutrients, methods of determining application rates, and a host of other metrics related to fertility programs.
  • We also measured soil testing practices, sources of fertilizer advice, 4R knowledge, and various attitudes about 4R opportunities and challenges.
  • Separate reports were prepared for each crop illustrating regional and demographic differences in fertilizer practices.

The Results

The study clearly illustrated:

  • Trends in nutrient timing, placement, source and rate by crop.
  • Crop area that meets 4R consistency criteria and reasons for non-compliance.
  • Fertilizer use efficiency.
  • Factors considered in the planning of fertility programs.

Our client was able to use this information to assess adoption of 4R consistent practices and develop strategies to further enhance their promotion of sustainable fertilizer use to increase implementation of 4R practices.