The Journey from Corn Seed Brand Awareness to Use in Eastern Canada

During the winter of 2019, Stratus interviewed 300 corn growers in eastern Canada to get their views on the corn seed brands they intend to purchase for 2019. Although brand positioning and effective channel interactions are important, the journey from brand awareness to actual use demonstrates the importance of being a brand that a grower considers.

Among the corn growers who responded to the survey, 60% of them were aware of the various corn seed brands.  For those respondents who were aware of each brand, 41% of them considered using the brand while 59% ignored the brand even though they were familiar with it. 

So, being aware of a brand does not guarantee that it will be considered for use. In fact, only a few brands make it through to the brand consideration set. 

What factors influence this important step from awareness to consideration? Growers told us that usually a discussion with their retailer about a brand was the most important factor that drives consideration for them.  Past experience with a seed brand and direct contact with the seed company were also contributing factors.

​For those brands that were considered, what about actual brand use?  Of those respondents who considered using each brand, two-thirds will use the brand in 2019.

Once a brand is considered, the odds of actual use improved substantially.  This conversion was fueled by two factors: the level of service and support received from the retailer and consistent hybrid performance year-after-year.

The Bottom Line

In the overall brand journey, converting awareness to consideration sets the stage for actual brand use.  Retailer interactions through discussions about individual brands and subsequent service and support are key drivers when growers are making decisions about what seed brands to use.  Past experience with a brand coupled with consistent performance also contribute to a winning combination for brand use.

For more information about the Farmer Feedback – Corn Seed Use study, contact: