Canola Seed Hybrid Evaluations & Intentions

Enable seed companies to strengthen their market position by understanding the strengths and limitations of individual hybrids, based on real field-level grower experience.

Canola Farmers
Major canola seed hybrids
Western Canada

Key Questions
  • How important are various factors when growers are deciding among hybrids?
  • How satisfied are growers with the hybrids they grew?
  • Are growers willing to grow the same hybrids again?
  • How did growers view the performance of the hybrids they grew?
  • How does performance compare across various trait profiles (herbicide trait, suitable for straight-cut, specialty oil, clubroot resistant)?
  • How does performance satisfaction, reuse intentions, and willingness to recommend compare across seed brands?
  • Comparison of agronomic production practices across seed brands (harvest management, use of pre-harvest herbicides, seeding rates, fungicide application, optional incremental insecticide seed treatment use)

Study Content

  • Hybrid Positioning
  • Hybrid Experience
  • Production Practices
  • Intentions

5 year trends for seed brand nets